What People Are Saying
"Dan has been working with us as a freelancer for several years, and can always be counted on to be a reliable, dedicated designer, bringing creative, well thought out design to every project he works on. Dan’s personality was the perfect fit for our small creative team, and he went out of his way to be a positive and supportive member. Dan even helped mentor the junior members of our team, being encouraging as well as a valuable resource. If I am ever in need of creative help, Dan is the first person I always reach out to."
— Eric Roell, Creative Manager, WPS Health Solutions
“Dan’s knowledge of not just way-finding programs, but also how people use trails, helped us get signs in the right spots the first time. He developed a sign program that fit our character and budget. Dan guided us through selecting what information to show and how to show it in a clear, universally understandable way. We had a number of time challenges during our project, and Dan was able to accommodate each deadline.”
— Janet Hruby, PE, PTOE, Former City Engineer, City of Steamboat Springs, CO
“Dan Lemmer provided Steamboat with a unique skill set: first, the ability to develop a comprehensive, resort-wide signing strategy and second, the technical and artistic skills to pull it off. We really miss him!”